WordPress Open Graph Image Issue When Posting to Facebook

When I tried to post a link to my upgraded website as a Facebook post, no image showed up. I uploaded an image in Yoast SEO, and used the Facebook Sharing Debugger, which is great: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/sharing/, but it did not give me information about my issue. The Yoast image would display if it was a page with no image, but I wanted my home page to be linked, with the Yoast image.

The link was displaying a blank image, labeled https://s0.wp.com/i/blank.jpg, both on Facebook and in the Debugger. After more searching, I discovered what wp.com is, and the related issues. http://techwelkin.com/wordpress-s0-wp-com-not-working-or-too-slow. I Deactivated JetPack, and the image showed up with no problems.